Matthew (vokori)

Race #3600

View Pit Stop page for race #3600 by vokoriGhost race

View profile for Matthew (vokori)

Official speed 102.62 wpm (24.56 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start June 5, 2014 1:38:41am UTC
Race Finish June 5, 2014 1:39:05am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 4)
Opponents 2. ksil (101.71 wpm)
3. deronpianoplayer (72.93 wpm)
Accuracy 96.0%
Points 0.00
Text #664 (Length: 210 characters)

The less you do with the controls, the less chance of error. Steer, shift, and use the pedals smoothly, and with finesse - not with blinding speed and brute force. The slower you move, the faster the car moves.