Himanshu (pluto_ish)

Race #3177

View Pit Stop page for race #3177 by pluto_ishGhost race

View profile for Himanshu (pluto_ish)

Official speed 68.02 wpm (107.44 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start December 14, 2020 1:37:11pm UTC
Race Finish December 14, 2020 1:38:58pm UTC
Outcome No win (3 of 5)
Opponents 2. asg1997 (76.39 wpm)
Accuracy 97.0%
Points 130.36
Text #4180750 (Length: 609 characters)

In a time when lawmen were outlaws, a thief, a cutthroat and a bounty hunter face an enemy of a new kind. Through the uncharted lands of the West, a fistful of men ride for the Blackwater. Tonight, an unsettling tone lingers in the air - this sound makes the horses shriek in fear! From above, piercing thunder roars. The earth has visitors: this is the sound of the machine. Now staring into the sky, the stars dissipate to make way, as a mechanical beast makes its descent towards the earth. Through galaxies in space - and tales old as time - fear finds a way into the heart of every man of the Blackwater.