sachin (sachin986)

Race #2916

View Pit Stop page for race #2916 by sachin986Ghost race

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Official speed 62.28 wpm (73.60 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start June 24, 2020 8:56:20am UTC
Race Finish June 24, 2020 8:57:34am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 5)
Opponents 3. ahmadxsamer (54.95 wpm)
4. akrammiru (50.70 wpm)
Accuracy 98.0%
Points 62.28
Text #3550365 (Length: 382 characters)

In that theory, when blood was predominant, the person was sanguine, characterized as good-natured and cheerful; black bile underlay the melancholic individual who tended to be anxious and moody; a readiness to be angry and irritable, due to too much yellow bile, marked the choleric; and when phlegm predominated, the person was phlegmatic, or easygoing and slow to become aroused.