
Race #28417

View Pit Stop page for race #28417 by dawittymidgetGhost race

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Official speed 139.55 wpm (23.22 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start June 23, 2020 9:02:49am UTC
Race Finish June 23, 2020 9:03:12am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Opponents 2. concurrent (107.63 wpm)
3. imfastafbooiii (102.80 wpm)
Accuracy 99.0%
Points 130.24
Text #4180053 (Length: 270 characters)

We would ride up the avenue, but we haven't got the price. We would skate up the avenue, but there isn't any ice. We would ride on a bicycle, but we haven't got a bike. So we'll walk up the avenue, yes, we'll walk up the avenue, and to walk up the avenue's what we like.