Paradise067 (paradise067)

Race #26

View Pit Stop page for race #26 by paradise067Ghost race

View profile for Paradise067 (paradise067)

Official speed 78.89 wpm (35.75 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start July 23, 2010 3:57:34pm UTC
Race Finish July 23, 2010 3:58:09pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Opponents 2. taenoob (52.14 wpm)
3. alfaromeo (28.95 wpm)
Points 0.00
Text #80 (Length: 235 characters)

It's a sunny, woodsy day in Lumberton, so get those chainsaws out. This is the mighty WOOD - the musical voice of Lumberton. At the sound of the falling tree, it's 9:30. There's a whole lotta wood waiting out there, so let's get going.