Ethan (conanethan)

Race #1087

View Pit Stop page for race #1087 by conanethanGhost race

View profile for Ethan (conanethan)

Official speed 91.14 wpm (66.62 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start December 31, 2019 5:15:35pm UTC
Race Finish December 31, 2019 5:16:42pm UTC
Outcome No win (3 of 5)
Opponents 1. lambdanaut (103.17 wpm)
2. nesbmido (99.92 wpm)
4. liushanen (88.52 wpm)
5. ginoo75 (86.43 wpm)
Accuracy 97.0%
Points 144.31
Text #3641095 (Length: 506 characters)

One of the hardest things to do in a fight is to make it look like you're trying to kill someone without doing any permanent damage. They don't teach any half-moves in combat training. There are moves designed to kill and maim as efficiently as possible. If those are off limits, one option is open your fist right before a punch lands. Painful, but the force is distributed. Another showy option is a kick to the shoulder. You might break a rib or two, but if you aim right, nobody is going to the morgue.