Hannah (hanlel)

Race #108

View Pit Stop page for race #108 by hanlelGhost race

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Official speed 115.04 wpm (70.51 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start October 3, 2017 10:25:46pm UTC
Race Finish October 3, 2017 10:26:56pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 98.0%
Points 243.50
Text #3641027 (Length: 676 characters)

Do you think we're wealthy? Wealthy people drive fancy cars, they have fresh pasta. Do we do any of those things? No! Wealthy people can afford any of their vacations ruined, no big deal. They just pick up and go again. Your father and I worked so hard, so long. What is wrong with you two? Are you aborigines? Every time I turn around, I hear someone screaming and fighting. And I pray to God that's someone else's children, but it's not, it's always you! Sane children would appreciate this. Are you even thinking? No, you're always at each other like a couple of rabid monkeys. It is not enough you two do this every day, but you have to make me suffer. Well, so help me...